Meng Li

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Assistant Researcher, Nanjing University,

Department of Computer Science and Technology,

163 Xianlin Avenue, Qixia District, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, China

Office: CS Building 312

Research Interests

  • Network telemetry (网络测量)

    • Sketch, eBPF, In-network measurement

  • Advanced data structures and indexes (概率性数据结构、随机性数据结构、学习型索引)

    • Filter, Learned Indexes, Hash Table

  • AI for DB

    • Key-value store

    • Approximate Query Processing

Position Available (招聘)

  • 往届学生情况

  • 研究方向: Data-intensive networked systems Or Mobile LLM (移动大模型)

    • Master stutdents

    • Remote/Undergraduate research intern

    • Benefits: 团队氛围和谐,稳定且充足经费和技术支持, 共同探索前沿课题,充足实习机会, 广泛国内外学术界和产业界合作

  • 08/2024. Received two funds from the Jiangsu and National Natural Science Foundations.

  • 06/2024. ACER is accepted to SIG KDD 2024.

  • 05/2024. VHCF is accepted to Journal of Software 2024.

  • 04/2024. Bamboo filter Journal Version accepted to TON 2024.

  • 03/2024. I will serve as the program committee for CIKM’24.

  • 03/2024. Oasis is accepted to VLDB 2024.

  • 01/2024. Our paper “A Survey of Multi-dimensional Indexes: Past and Future Trends” is accepted to IEEE TKDE 2024.

  • 12/2023. One paper “The Reinforcement Cuckoo Filter” is accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2024.

  • 11/2023. One paper accepted to 《计算机科学》 2024.

  • 10/2023. Two papers accepted to IEEE ICDM 2023.

  • 09/2023. One paper accepted to VLDB 2023.

  • 05/2023. I will serve as the program committee for CIKM’23.

  • 02/2023. One paper accepted to IEEE TKDE 2023.

  • 07/2022. “Bloom Filter with Noisy Coding Framework for Multi-Set Membership Testing” accepted to TKDE 2022.

  • 13/2022. "A Pareto Optimal Bloom Filter Family with Hash Adaptivity” accepted to VLDB Journal 2022.

  • 05/2022. I will serve as the program committee for CIKM’22.